Tough test of golf in inclement weather this weekend - plus, the first try at McCleery golf course from the Blue tees from the 7 guys in the Gold flight. Way to battle the elements, boys.

Highlight of the weekend has to be Kah-Hua’s birdie on hole #16 - not only was it the closest KP on Saturday, but it was also the ONLY deuce of the entire weekend! Since there were no deuces scored on Sunday, the deuce pot is carried over to the next tournament - the McCleery Derby. Be sure to sign up for this event, as deuces and KPs will be shared by all members of the team! Organize your own team, or sign up as a single and we’ll balance the teams with players of different handicaps.

KPs:Saturday – closest front 9:Hole #5: Ed Nishimura (14’7”) — $10 voucherSaturday – closest back 9:Hole #16: Kah-Hua Yeo (4’8”) — $10 voucherSunday – closest front 9:Hole #7: Hung Teh (8’6”) — $10 voucherSunday – closest back 9:Hole #16: Brent Robe…


Saturday – closest front 9:

Hole #5: Ed Nishimura (14’7”) — $10 voucher

Saturday – closest back 9:

Hole #16: Kah-Hua Yeo (4’8”) — $10 voucher

Sunday – closest front 9:

Hole #7: Hung Teh (8’6”) — $10 voucher

Sunday – closest back 9:

Hole #16: Brent Roberts (9’6”) — $10 voucher


Lessons were donate for this event from Mike Vanderwolf and the McCleery Golf Academy.

Prizes were allocated one per flight, for the most honest golfer. Winners of the golf lessons were:

Gold flight: Douglas Baird

Silver Flight: Kah-Hua Yeo

Bronze Flight: Erik Van der Ven

The fourth prize was awarded in a random draw from all those who played this weekend.

Winner of the draw was Wade Ferley! (again)

Contact your Club Captain (Christian) to claim your prize.